Tuesday, September 25, 2007

When It Rains, It Pours....

And I'm talking Blessings.

Yesterday was a truly Awesome day. Joe started a new job, Jasmine brought home a GREEN from school, when I got home from work Joe had done the dishes left over from Sunday evening AND had dinner in the oven and to wrap up the day Dancing With The Stars is back!

Now I know a few of these are minimal, but it's the first two that made my day. The rest were just super yummy icing on the cake! (can you read my excitement level?)

Jasmine was so proud of herself. Joe picked her up and she called me to tell me the good news, then asked 'when you get home can we put a green smiley face on the calendar?'. Absi-tutin-lutely! And Joe let her choose what was for dinner, chicken nuggets and french fries.


3 Men, 2 Ladies and a Hound said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Taylor said...


Ladyornot.com said...

Yay I am so glad that the day was so good!

kittywhisprer said...

yay. silly question - what's a green?

Taylor said...

In her Kindergarten class they start with green. As the day progresses, if they act up they have to change their color. Green, yellow, orange and finally red.

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