Tuesday, January 29, 2008


  • Have you ever been to Wal*Mart @ 7am on a Saturday morning.....It Is Heaven!! (at least in our small town). I went before Joe and the kids woke on Saturday and I think I only saw two other shoppers...had the grocery aisles all to myself.
  • Jasmine is doing better behavior wise in school, but we still covet your prayers over this. I requested a Parent-Teacher conference to hash out what steps we can take to keep her moving in the right direction.
  • I'm an over planner-barely leaving myself time to just chill *me time*. I received a gift certificate for my birthday (October) for a massage, pedicure etc. I FINALLY scheduled the massage for last Friday. That morning I was volunteering at Jas's school and set the appointment for the afternoon....wouldn't you know it, the massues had to cancel.
  • I love to clean with the radio blaring--sometimes it's my favorite radio station and sometimes it's my favorite CD's currently (ThirdDay, Jeremy Camp), but sometimes it is my Billboard Number One's CD from 1979--Pina Colada Song, I Will Survive, YMCA--oh yeah, that's some good cleaning music there!!!
  • After school yesterday Jasmine told Joe that her teacher said watching TV was a bad choice. Joe responded with sometimes he just likes to relax after work, Jasmine's response, 'Well, my teacher is smart and taller than you are. So she is right!' (her teacher is very tall and very skinny).
  • Jasmine's best friend/cousin moved to California a little over a month ago and Jasmine misses her TERRIBLY. Last weekend we called and they talked on the phone for probably 45 minutes. Have you ever heard a 5 year old and not quite 5 year old phone conversation...priceless!
  • I have flash cards with numbers, colors, shapes etc. for the kids. Cash will sit with the one's with colors on them and go through them 100 times. He loves those things.
  • Speaking of Cash....he recently learned how to open the refridgerator. When he was young we had to get one of the childproof devices cause he was so stinkin strong, he'd fling the door open, get what he wanted and walk off. At that point the dog would make himself at home digging out of the fridge whatever he wanted. While cooking dinner the other night he opened the door and I said 'How did you learn to open that door?' Jasmine pipes up, 'Um, I guess I taught him'. So far it has not been an issue, he'll grab a snack and shut the door, but one day I came out of my bedroom and he was carrying a hunk of velveeta.....
  • I'm wearing my glasses today because my eyes were very scratchy yesterday and I felt they needed to rest. I hate wearing my glasses. It takes away my peripherial vision and I feel like I have the blinders on that horses wear so they can only see what is in front of them.
  • Joe was sick over the weekend and I sneezed all day yesterday....within the last hour my nose has started to stop up....yuk!
  • That's all for today, I think I need to go find some medication :)


kittywhisprer said...

i love songs like I Will Surive & YMCA!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to be able to keep up with all the little things the kideos say and do------------ Ilove this "blog" thing GRAM

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