Monday, January 07, 2008


Anyone want to guess what the kid's are looking at/waiting for???

While ya'll are mulling over that picture, here is a cute one of Jas last night holding the AWANA flag for the AWANA pledge. She was soo excited. They are having a skating party tomorrow night that should be a lot of fun.

OK, back to the first it is.

Our neighbors have three boys. Anytime they are outside Jasmine will run in, (usually) change clothes and put on cute shoes before she runs to the barb wire fence and yells to the boys to come talk to her. They always do and they always get in trouble for crossing the first fence (there are two fences between our properties). Every time she runs out the door, yelling the neighbors are outside Joe looks at me with that protective/petrified father look and will usually go sit on the porch the whole time they are talking (until one of the boy's parents stick their head out the door and start yelling at them for crossing the fence). I'm pretty calm about it and tell Joe not to worry, they are too young to start freaking in a few years I will most likely be singing a different song.


kittywhisprer said...

lol! that is the cutest/funniest thing ever.

3 Men, 2 Ladies and a Hound said...

Too cute!!! the whole boy/girl crazy thing is a little scary at 5!

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