Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Big Sister

These days Jasmine has taken the role of Big Sister to mean, Boss of Cash. Last night Cash was doing something and I asked if he wanted to sit in his time out chair and Jasmine yelled from the other room. 'Mom, don't put him in time out. He'll be a good boy.' Then directed her attention to Cash. 'No, no Bubba, you need to be a good boy. OK.' He then does his 'head nod-grunt', which he does when he is in agreement with something. If I could only get her to comply to me as easily as he did to her!

It is so much fun watching them interact, they are definitely best buds. If for some reason Cash is not with us she will say, 'Momma, we need to go get Cashy. I miss him!' I love that they love each other so much. For now anyways....I hope it continues!!


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